
Friday, September 24, 2021

Water Safety

 Hello everyone,

This week our reading group is learning about water safety. For our have to do task it said to make a poster about how to stay safe in water. I have made a lot of safety things you can do.  You can use any while your at the Beach or in a pool.

Later on when I finished I had few more ideas but I didn't put them on. I also made a game about water safety. It is really short and very easy, all you have to do is click the right one. There is only six pages in the game.

Thank you for reading my blog post.

Have a wonderful day!

Have you ever been swimming before?

100 Word Count Writing

 Hello everyone 

Today I am going to be talking about my 100 word count. This weeks prompt was a picture it look like fossils were glued together to make a round ball. This story was about a kid making this into a clay model. his friend tried to help a little bit but not that much.

After that Matt (main character) won the competition. As I was writing that down I wanted to check how many words there were. When I checked there was 125 words so I had to fix it. I deleted a long line just to fix it but there was a lot of words left.

Thanks for reading my blog post 

have a wonderful day!

What does this picture look like to you?

Friday, September 17, 2021

100 Word Count

 Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk about my story. This weeks prompt were 5 words. I had no idea what I was doing at first. But I thought of a normal sized person and a smaller person. The normal person  nearly lost the tiny man. They had a very weird day that they were confused about.

Later in the day Dave (normal sized person) thought he lost his friend. Then he magically shows up at Daves door. I also had to make sure it was exactly 100 words. 

Thank you for reading my blog post 

Have an amazing day!

Can you see any of the words in my story?



Hello everyone,

Today I a going to talk about geometry. We have been learning about Translation,Rotation,Reflection and Symmetry. Translation if when you draw a shape (E.G. I have a square and I have to move it without tilting it.) Me and my buddy Lyah went to show it to the teacher. I had to changed a few things because some of it didn't make any sense. 

We both forgot one detail it said we needed two examples each. But we forgot to put one more for translation. Lucky translation was very easy the other example was a circle. I moved it a little bit to the right. I also made it go down.

Thank you for reading my blog post

Have a wonder day!

Which one do you like the best out of Rotation,Reflection,Translation and Symmetry

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Similes Comparing My Friends

 Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk about my reading follow up. This week we have been learning about similes. For our can do task I decided to choose the first one which was "describe three of your friends using similes." First off I ask Marvin he said he was lazy then he had a better idea he said he was creative. I had to think of a creative animal. The first animal that came to my mind was a grey warbler. I remembered that grey warblers were very creative nest builders.

After that I asked my other two friends James and Lyah. I would first ask them so I could get an idea. James said he was energetic. Then I thought of a dog. "Dogs are very energetic" I thought so I wrote it down. Before I asked Lyah she thought of one herself she didn't really like her idea. So I thought of one myself she was as crazy as a wild bear.

Thank you for reading my blog post.

Have a wonderful day!


Do you know a simile that will describe someone you know?