
Friday, April 9, 2021

My Cloze

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk about my cloze. It's called, "Normal". In the story there was a dad. He was walking down the street then he found a kid named normal. The dad took him home and treated him like his son. 

Last year we did the same cloze like this but it was called, "Not So Normal." I think our teacher copied the same cloze from last year. 

Thank you for reading my blog post 
Have a wonderful day

Have you ever done the same cloze twice?

Thursday, April 1, 2021

My Follow Up

Hello everyone,

Today my follow up is about a presentation. This presentation is about how to be a good friend. I made a slide show showing you what you can do to be a good friend. If you watch it you could maybe do some of them yourself.

At reading time we were reading a book. I forgot the name of the book. First the whole class went on the  field trip. Everyone was ahead and two people stayed at the back with the teacher.

Later on they reached a cabin. When they reached the cabin the new kid was sleeping next to the main character. The new kid accidentally left his boots on the veranda.  

In the morning the boots were eaten but the birds. He started to sob saying that his dad would be mad. The main character helped the new kid and gave him tape to use.

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you like it.

Have a wonderful day.

Have you ever made a presentation before?