Bonjour eveyone,
Today i'm going to talk about playing Football. First we did a warm up the game was called knee tag. The goal of the game is to touch different peoples knees. Each time you touch someones knee it's 100 points. You can block the person trying to touch your knee.
After the warm up we split up into our team, team 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8. I was in group 8. We also had room 9 playing with us. The rule of the game is to try go up a level. If you lose the game you go down a level. We were versing the red team. The first game wasn't so easy our team lost and we went down a level. It was like climbing up stairs and falling down.
Once we lost we moved to the other field. Once we started our second match we all got ready. Our first team we were versing the green team. It was really close after they got a point a few moments later we got a point as well. Our team later on won the game. All of us celebrated and moved to the next field.
It was our fourth game and also our last. This time we were versing the red team again. We all started to play but they got a start. They bashed the ball nearly hitting me. I quickly donged it and kicked it out. Some time later none of the team got a point. We only had a few seconds left. Lewis ran up the ball and kicked it, it went through the goal. The ball rolled away like it was running off to the bushes.
Thank you so much for reading my blog post.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Have you ever done P.E?